Monday, November 8, 2010

Post 2: Soviet and American cinema.

Whether judged by production statistics, popular success at the time or how they have aged and been appreciated through out time American and Soviet Silent cinema were on different tracks by the 1920s. American films whole hearted had stuck to the staples of romance and comedy to ensure a satisfied movie viewer; while the Soviet cinema had become a vehicle of mass propaganda, mostly government supported and subsidised.

I was surprised to find out that there was no working cinema in Moscow until late in 1921. The cinemas massive jump to popularity came out of the showing of old Russian and imported feature films. The Soviet Government did not seem so concerned by what was being shown at the time and by 1923 silent film was flourishing with some thing like 80+ cinemas. Of course it wasn't long before Communist ideas were being reinforced through the cinema by directors and writers who were convincing and dramatic in push away from 'western decadent capitalism' in their films (which was pleasing to the government).
 Major production houses had taken over the production of film in America. Mostly owned by those who also owned cinemas, silent film became an economic commodity more that an original work of art.Hollywood lead the way in plot creation, comedy, romance and feel good nationalist film were created to ensure profit margins and to ensure an audience post World War two of this happy life now assured
The Contrast is great in content and style but one common thead remains: that film was used to assure the viewer of the reasons for war, the enemy and quality of life.

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